"We can take place on the street and chew gum at the same time," said the subcommittee chairman, Illinois Democrat Bobby Rush, one of the co-sponsors of the Bill. "Some things we may at the same time."
The legislation, which is still facing steep opportunities, promote prevention of postseason NCAA Division I Football Bowl subdivision national championship game as a result unless the play-off. The voice vote a measure passed by the House Energy and Commerce Committee on trade, commerce and consumer protection subcommittee, with inchloiste "no" from Rep. John Barrow, D-GA.

"With all due respect, so I have more important things to spend our time," Barrow said before the vote, although he stressed he did not like the current Bowl Championship Series, either.
The BCS selection announced at the pit last weekend, two undefeated teams, No. 1 and No. 2 Alabama, Texas, in the national title game Jan. 7. The three other unbeaten teams - TCU, Cincinnati and Boise State - play in the BCS Bowl game on that, but for the championship.
"What can we say - it is December and the BCS in chaos again," said bill sponsor, Rep. Joe Barton of Texas, the top Republican on the House Energy and Commerce Committee. He said that the BCS system is unfair and not change unless dictated by Congress.
Would like the legislation, go to the full committee, to make it illegal to promote the national championship game "or similar representation," unless result-fun.
There is no Senate version, although Senator Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, asked the Justice Department antitrust investigation into the BCS.
Shortly after his election last year, said Barack Obama is a play-out system.
In a statement before the vote, BCS Director Bill Hancock said: "With things that serious issues our country, Congress is certainly more important than spending taxpayer money to determine how college football is the song."
But Barrow was not alone in criticizing the priorities of his colleagues'; REPS. Zach Space, D-Ohio, and Bart Stupak, D-I. Made the same arguments. Space said that people are sometimes difficult decision puts the focus on college football the wrong message. "
The way legislation is difficult to go, given the broad geographical representation and political influence of the schools in the six conferences that have automatic BCS Bowl bid - the ACC, Big East, Big 12, Big Ten, PAC-10 and SEC.
The current system of college Bowl championship game between the two top teams in the standings BCS, based on two polls and six computer ratings. Eight other schools to play on the Orange, Sugar, Fiesta and Rose bowls.
Under the BCS, the Champions of the six major conference with an automatic bid, although there are other conferences. To obtain the six conferences that many more money than the other conferences.