“Secret Girlfriend” is a series of the television of United States which was premiered on 7th of October 2009 on Wednesday on the “Comedy Central”. Six episodes of this drama series have been ordered by the Comedy Central. Internet series are the base of the stories of this drama series. There are two segments of eleven minutes each in every single episode of half an hour.
Another character of the series is “Phil”. He is roommate and best friend of the “You”, main character of the “Secret Girlfriend”. He is also shown as a man of ladies but did not get success in this field like “You”. Another character is “Sam” who is also roommate and best friend of the “You” in this series. Sam and Phil earn from making of internet videos.
Executive producer and show runner of the “Secret Girlfriend” is Eric Weinberg while Ross Novie and Jay Rondot, creator of the Web series are also included in the list of executive producers. Cast was re-selected to make this television series. “You” is a main character of the show who is a male viewer. “You” is portrayed as a man of crafty ladies who always connects with several women through the series.
Sam is shown as an overweight man who once mistakenly treated as a woman because of his oversized “man boobs” in a lesbian bar. Mandy, another character has been shown as ex-girlfriend of “You”. Jessica Johnson is another character of the “Secret Girlfriend” who met with “You” in a juice store and called as the character of “Secret Girlfriend”. Cast of this television series is Sara Fletcher, Alexis Krause, Michael Blaiklock and Derek Miller.