fred honsberger
Career thirty years in the CBS Radio KDKA in Pittsburgh came to an end. Long time reporter, anchor and talk show host Fred Honsberger died at his home this morning in Monroeville. Was 58th During the short period of his career he won many awards for his work reporting and anchoring news, as well as many of his work.
Honsberger, a conservative talk show, recently worked on the station this afternoon from noon 3rd Michael Young, Senior Vice President CBS Radio Pittsburgh says one of his clearest memories are Honsberger voluntarily strengthened the helm, which covers the events of 11 September 2001. He says Honsberger passion and love for Pittsburgh, discussion and active audience rubbed off from the rest of the staff. Young says Honsberger is a very clear idea of what he regarded as "common sense", and became encounters with a caller who disagreed with his views.
He says Honsberger passing is a loss not only for Pittsburgh, but also for radio.
It probably goes without saying that Fred and I am very philosophical difference. Back when his Honsberger Live TV show, I often calling and we argued almost all major problems today. And that something I totally respect Fred: he was not afraid to raise their ideas to criticism. I knew that I bumped into a queue to the caller can not go with him. He is not to reduce the O'Reilly people when they are actually making body (although not suffering fools Masaya). Fred enjoyed a challenge. He is also extremely after I met him personally.
Many may know that David and I have a blog before 2pj which is about disproving Fred television show. Fred read every day. He did his radio show, even though he knew that I was "Liz Adobe" in the old blog.
Even this may be a reach to say that so far there were no 2pj Fred Honsberger I developed a love for blogging and the old blog, but I want to go beyond the restrictions on the Honsberger writing on selected topics of the day.
Career thirty years in the CBS Radio KDKA in Pittsburgh came to an end. Long time reporter, anchor and talk show host Fred Honsberger died at his home this morning in Monroeville. Was 58th During the short period of his career he won many awards for his work reporting and anchoring news, as well as many of his work.

Honsberger, a conservative talk show, recently worked on the station this afternoon from noon 3rd Michael Young, Senior Vice President CBS Radio Pittsburgh says one of his clearest memories are Honsberger voluntarily strengthened the helm, which covers the events of 11 September 2001. He says Honsberger passion and love for Pittsburgh, discussion and active audience rubbed off from the rest of the staff. Young says Honsberger is a very clear idea of what he regarded as "common sense", and became encounters with a caller who disagreed with his views.

He says Honsberger passing is a loss not only for Pittsburgh, but also for radio.
It probably goes without saying that Fred and I am very philosophical difference. Back when his Honsberger Live TV show, I often calling and we argued almost all major problems today. And that something I totally respect Fred: he was not afraid to raise their ideas to criticism. I knew that I bumped into a queue to the caller can not go with him. He is not to reduce the O'Reilly people when they are actually making body (although not suffering fools Masaya). Fred enjoyed a challenge. He is also extremely after I met him personally.
Many may know that David and I have a blog before 2pj which is about disproving Fred television show. Fred read every day. He did his radio show, even though he knew that I was "Liz Adobe" in the old blog.
Even this may be a reach to say that so far there were no 2pj Fred Honsberger I developed a love for blogging and the old blog, but I want to go beyond the restrictions on the Honsberger writing on selected topics of the day.